The INRAE Farm Animal Cognition and Welfare network consists of the researchers, engineers, technicians and students of the Departments PHASE and GA who are interested in animal cognition, welfare and their interrelationship. Members of the network come from about 14 different research laboratories from all over France. They conduct research on a variety of farm animals including sheep, goats, cattle, horses, pigs, trout, poultry, rabbits and insects. The main expectations of the network’s members are: 1) to think about the link between cognition and welfare; 2) to discuss the concepts and methods of both cognition and welfare research and; 3) to get to know better their colleagues conducting research in these areas.

This Months Agenda

Upcoming related webinars, educational courses and conferences

TARCforce3R (Allemagne)
Webinaire • 14h -16h (en ligne)
Communicating animal research on social media
Animal Welfare Slack Workspace - Applying Ethology
  • Webinaire • 20h (en ligne)*
    Impact of farrowing crate enrichment strategies on the welfare, behavior, and performance of sows, suckling piglets, and post-weaning piglets
*Webinaire • 12h- 14h (en ligne) *
The Art of Communicating Animal Research in the 21st Century - First Webinar
TARCforce3R (Allemagne)
Webinaire • 14h -16h (en ligne)
Animal Welfare Frontiers: Considering Insect Welfare in Farming and Research
Académie d’Agriculture de France
Colloque • 9h- 14h (Paris & en ligne)
Faire battre One Health au coeur de la France
Webinaire • 13h30-15h (en ligne)
Exploration des liens entre émotions et cognition chez les animaux de ferme
pour mieux comprendre le bien-être animal
(DL inscription: 21/01)
Observatoire de Recherche sur la Condition Animale
Webinaire • 18h (s’inscrire à la liste de diffusion pour avoir le lien)
Comment la poule est-elle devenue un animal à aimer ?
l’ascension de l’animal dans la hiérarchie humanimale
Animal Welfare Slack Workspace - Applying Ethology
Webinaire • 20h (en ligne)
Factors affecting grazing and rumination behaviours of dairy cows in pasture-based systems